December 31, 2010

MORE Resolutions for 2011

I'm usually not big on making New Year's resolutions. Self-improvement should be just as important a task in July as it is in January. I am good, however, at breaking resolutions because they usually involve denying myself something that I enjoy. Yes, in 2011, I could LOSE some weight. I could GIVE UP caffeine. I could swear LESS. I could QUIT smoking. (OK, that last one isn't so bad. I'm on attempt number four!)

However, in the spirit of ABUNDANCE, which I spoke about in an earlier post, I want to develop a list of resolutions that EXPAND the possibilities for health and happiness for me and others. So, here's a working list of "MORE" resolutions for 2011:
  • MORE Mindfulness of the food I eat, the body I inhabit and the planet we share
  • MORE Work that truly matters, both professionally and personally
  • MORE Advocacy for causes about which I feel deeply
  • MORE Connections with people that are real and sustainable
  • MORE Explorations into big ideas and cosmic questions
I'm sure I will think of MORE resolutions in the coming days and weeks, but this is a good start. Most of all, I wish everyone in 2011 more PEACE, LOVE, FORGIVENESS and ABUNDANCE.

Happy New Year!!!


  1. Mark, thanks so much for this great list of "MORE" Resolutions!! You've inspired me to certainly think about compiling my own "MORE" resolutions for this year. I'm sure they will be more achievable than any other resolutions I would make and break within the first 48 hours in this new year - LOL! I too wish you and yours a Happy New Year and may God's plans for your life prosper in 2011! -- Marlive

  2. Hi Marlive! So glad you liked it. We need to get together for coffee sometime soon.
